I bought this eyeliner a few months ago and recently started using it. Rite Aid was having a deal on all Wet n Wild products like 40% off or something to that effect so I was like, "Oooh, I want to try this! It's so cheap..." hoping that the product itself would work well. Having tried it for a while, I'm ready to tell you all about this eyeliner.
Hello~ It's time for another diet update. I know it's a little late, I'm so off schedule with posting and I'm very sorry. I should really be doing more reviews (they're on the way~!), but I want to get this done before I procrastinate anymore. So during week 5 of my diet, I was in Chicago for a wedding and to see my boyfriend. That wasn't the best week for me because I only seriously exercised once and I ate so many foods at weird times...It was a difficult time for me to stay on track. The week I came back, I had to recover and I'm just starting to progress on my weight loss.
I've been doing Blogilates daily and drinking more water again. I feel better nowadays ^^. A new thing I've been doing is using a weight recording app. I started using Kiloku and it's been very helpful with helping me see how well I'm doing on losing weight.
weight tracking!
I don't usually weigh myself everyday, but I started to do so recently in order to get an accurate view on my progress. I'm glad my graph has finally started to go down. (๑╹◡╹๑) I also believe that since I started incorporating more soup (well, liquids in general) in my diet I've been able to lose more weight. My skin is feeling the benefits as well and it's not as dry anymore.
Stats .Weight: 120 lb/54.4 kg week 5, 119 lb/54 kg week 6 .BMI: 21.3/21.1 .Current routine: still doing Blogilates, 30 minutes of jogging everyday, drinking lots of water, getting back to food journaling, I need to eat smaller portions especially for dinner...
Hello~ I just returned from Chicago. It was nice, surprisingly cooler than I expected. I had a very pleasant time ^u^
Before I left for my week-long trip, I colored my hair using this L'Oreal dye. I wanted to make sure my hair was at least even before attending the wedding there and I happened to have coupons for this brand so this is what I picked up. Let's see how it turned out for me.
It's time for my weekly diet update. First things first, I'm going to tell you all straight up, this diet is not going so well. I've been eating more, I think, and eating food that I shouldn't be eating...I also got sick this week. I got a fever and went to the doctor. I ended up being diagnosed with a flu caused by a virus (~TT A TT)~
I'm still recovering from being sick. During the most intense sick days, I didn't feel like moving so it was difficult to get up and exercise. I did a few Blogilates workouts and I tried to do my 30 mins of cardio when I started to feel better. After seeing the doctor and being sick this week, I was reminded of the importance of being hydrated. I needed to drink a lot of water with the medication I received.
I drank normal water and Perrier water and I ate soup. I like Perrier or other mineral waters because the carbonation in them makes you feel full. I think these are great to drink during diets because you don't feel hungry and you stay hydrated. As of today, I weigh 118 lb/53.5 kg. I'm so excited I lost a pound~but I don't know if it's going to stay that way or go down. I really want to get a new, digital scale because the one I used before broke and the old, manual one I've been using is difficult to read...Anyway, I look forward to staying on track to lose weight. I'll also be gone for the next week because I'm going to Chicago for a wedding and to see people (like my boyfriend). When I get back I promise to get more reviews posted. I know I really need to..
Stats .Weight: 118 lb/53.5 kg
.BMI: 20.9
.Current routine: Blogilates, 30 minutes of running, drinking more water/liquids, eating more vegetables
.Goals: I want to try the soup and salad dinner routine when I get back from my trip. I also want to get more intense cardio/running into my workout routine